I was once that person: the kind who comes home with a lot of bags from boutiques and stores. Those bags are a result of both planned and impulsive buying. Of course, when I fall in line for that new shirt (the love at first sight kind), I get too excited; I can’t wait to wear it. But of course, when I got home and placed all the bags on my bed, reality comes to sink in, and I start regretting why I let my impulses dictate me. That, however, is not the tragic part of the story. Basically, the regret felt instantly dies and withers as I walk into the mall the next day. All the hallelujah choruses come alive again when I see new gadgets, my favourite restaurant, or a piece of clothing.
SAVINGS START HERE. We all know that when you want to save, you better start learning how to say NO to impulsive buying. I know. It hurts to hear the truth, but you’ve been hurting your pocket for the past years. It’s time to pay attention.
The million dollar question now is: how do you say NO to that sweater displayed on that shop you like? Or that new gadget you just can’t wait to buy? If you cannot control your urges to buy, you better start saying goodbye to a lot of things, like long and short term goals, a happy retirement, a convenient future, etc.